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Even though active, this API is no longer supported. Click here for the latest API documentation.
The Contractors Cloud API is based on REST principles. All access to the API occurs over SSL-encrypted secure channel, so your API client must support SSL. Every Contractors Cloud account receives a unique API key that is used to custom develop and connect Contractors Cloud to their applications.
Currently, the Contractors Cloud API is only geared to importing leads/projects into Contractors Cloud. Exporting data out of Contractors Cloud is not yet available.
Contractors Cloud requires more than just name, address, and phone number to create a lead/project. We require things like a company, lead source, event and other data. Therefore, you can custom create API Keys including defaults for the required data. This means that these default values will always be applied to the incoming records.
If Contractors Cloud has everything it needs, it will automatically create the lead/project and once it is instantly created, workflows and custom alerts can automatically be applied.
If Contractors Cloud senses missing information, then the incoming record will be placed in our API Import Queue where it will sit until a user fills in the missing information.
The API Key generation tool and the API Import Queue are only available in our Contractors Cloud RainMaker version. However, any incoming data will be available in both Classic and RainMaker versions.
Before sending data to Contractors Cloud, you need to generate an API Key.
The API Key defines who you are, who we are and also embeds defaults needed to create a project in Contractors Cloud.
You can use a single API Key in multiple integrations of your choice.
You can generate an API Key as follows:
All URLs referenced in the documentation have the following base:
Once your data is ready to send, you can authenticate and make your HTTP POST to https://app.contractorscloud.com/api/v2/import/record
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, base64_encode('api:YOUR_API_KEY')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,'https://app.contractorscloud.com/api/v2/import/record'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $arPostFields); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); // **** output returned value **** print_r(json_decode($result));
NOTE: CURLOPT_USERPWD requires base64 encoding
The API will return a JSON-encoded string with the result of your import. We’re promiscuous so just about anything is accepted. Records will automatically get entered into our system. API key settings and validation will determine if the data is automatically converted into a job or moved to a queue for human-intervention.
Contractors Cloud accepts HTTP POST commands and also accepts POSTs of JSON-formatted strings.
To send data to Contractors Cloud, generate an HTTP POST of a key/value pair or HTTP POST a JSON string with the following values:
$arPostFields = array( 'req_firstname' => 'John', 'req_lastname' => 'Doe', 'req_accountname' => 'Doe Account', 'req_street' => '123 Main St.', 'req_city' => 'Anytown', 'req_state' => 'MN', 'req_zip' => '55123', 'req_oppdate' => '2020-01-02 12:34:56', 'req_oppnum' => 'Your_Job_Number', 'opt_emailPrimary' => 'email', 'opt_phonePrimary' => '(123) 123-1234', 'opt_phoneAlternate' => '(321) 321-4321', 'opt_oppname' => 'Name_Of_Project', 'opt_lat' => 'Project_Latitude', 'opt_long' => 'Project_Longitude', 'source' => 'source', 'opt_note1' => 'service', 'opt_note2' => 'comments', 'opt_note3' => 'spectrumId' 'opt_note4' => 'Your_additional_project_note' );
Contractors Cloud returns resource representations as JSON. The API response is wrapped in a standard structure which holds the results for the API call.
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Below describes the fields available within the integration.
First name of the person contact
Example: ‘John’
Last name of the person contact
Example: ‘Smith’
Name of the account
Example: Smith, John or Business Name, LLC
Line 1 Street Address
Example: 123 Contractor St
Example: Oklahoma City
2-letter abbreviation
Example: MN, CO, TX, OK, etc
At least a 5-digit zip code
Example: 73120
Mysql date format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
A date for the record. Typically the creation date of the lead/project
Example: 2009-05-16 13:45:12
Any number/letter combination job number representation
Example: AP1234, 20-1025
Email in valid format for person contact
Example: jsmith@samplecontracting.com
Primary phone in valid format for person contact
Example: 555-555-5555
Alternate phone in valid format for person contact
Example: 555-555-5555
Optional lead/project name
Example: John Smith House
Latitude of project address
Example: 35.468063
Note: We geocode missing latitudes
Longitude of project address
Example: -97.522477
Note: We geocode missing longitudes
String - Varchar (155)
Your lead source name
Example: Website Form, Angies List, BBB, SalesRabbit, etc
If this lead source name matches a lead source name within Contractors Cloud, we’ll automatically match values.
However, if there is no match, the user can create it on the fly within the API Import Queue.
String - Varchar (155)
Name of the Contractors Cloud user/Rep that will be assigned to the Contractors Cloud lead/project
Example: John Smith, Peter Parker, etc
If this rep name matches a rep name within Contractors Cloud, we’ll automatically match values.
However, if there is no match, the user will have to be manually created in Contractors Cloud and manually assigned.
This is NOT required
String - Varchar (155)
Name of your lead/project status that will be assigned to the Contractors Cloud lead/project
Example: Closed, Completed, Lead
If this status name matches a status name within Contractors Cloud, we’ll automatically match values.
However, if there is no match, the user will have to assign the Contractors Cloud project status within the API Import Queue. There is no custom statuses within Contractors Cloud.
This is NOT required
String - Varchar (155)
Longitude of project address
Example: -97.522477
Note: We geocode missing longitudes
String - Varchar (155)
This is your ID of your record. This will be used in the future to match and update records when the 2-way sync is available
Note: Any additional data passed here will become a project note upon import.
Note: Any additional data passed here will become a project note upon import.
Note: Any additional data passed here will become a project note upon import.
Note: Any additional data passed here will become a project note upon import.
March 27th, 2020 – No changes at this time
if you have any questions contact:developer@contractorscloud.com